Table of Contents
These pages are complete and need no more work, i.e. someone who reads these pages will be an expert on the subject regardless of their prior involvement in the topic.
These pages are comprehensive but still need some more details before they can be considered complete, i.e. someone who reads these pages could reasonably gamemaster that part of Sehto but might have to come up with some details themselves.
Work In Progress
These pages are in part stub/minimal and in part comprehensive but still need a thorough (re)write in large parts before they can be considered complete, i.e. someone who reads these pages would probably be frustrated by the details provided on the one hand and withheld on the other. ;)
These pages contain a minimum of necessary information to truly understand a subject, but could use some fleshing out, i.e. someone who reads these pages can get a good idea of how Sehto handles the subject, but probably not gamemaster this aspect without further guidance (without that deviation from canon would not be a likely result, at least).
These pages are incomplete and don't even contain all basic information needed to understand the subject, i.e. someone who reads these pages might get a vague idea of the subject, but the information leaves a lot to be desired.
These pages are just raw data dumps and cannot be improved.