They found Jagdish in a nook between collapsed walls outside - a niche that circumstance was protecting from wind, but got solid amounts of sunlight - crouched beside a collection of herbs, plucking at the ground with gardening gloves and tools. It would have been disarmingly mundane, if it weren't for the pokémon that was lounging on sparse patches of grass beside him, which brought its eerie gaze up to stare at Adelaide, the thin, filamentous feathers of its mane flowing in a steady wind that was definitely not there.
Jagdish seemed to notice their presence almost immediately, as well, but it might have been because the creature beside him had shifted its attention a moment before they themselves had seen it. “How was the tour?” he asked.
They'd been seeking Jagdish. Jagdish working under the watchful gaze of a supervising Legendary hadn't even crossed her mind as an option to panic about. Meep.
“Interesting,” Adelaide responded, giving the pokemon a respectful nod. “We did divert into infrastructure maintenance in the absence of a local Peliper population, rather than covering all of the buildings.”
Jagdish smiled - the expression simultaneously sincere and hollow. Then he shifted his attention to the pokémon with its fixed stare on Adelaide, and made a shooing motion with his right hand. For several seconds, nothing happened, then the image of the thing imploded in on itself soundlessly, as though her visual system were compensating for it never having been there in the first place, leaving a powerful dissonance in Adelaide's perception.
Jagdish rose, brushing some dirt off his trouser knees, then started to pluck the gloves off his hands. It might have been comical to see the comparatively dainty hands emerge from the gloves, if it weren't for the overall mood of why Adelaide was here. “I assume you're not here to talk about lunch.”