Table of Contents
Adelaide Mawne is a former personal assistant and even more former circuiter hired by Yarver Bakema to work as, effectively, butler to Jagdish Tsukinaka in the Mawne campaign. The greatest concern with her hiring was her suitability for learning about the conspiracy.
Adelaide has a strong suspicion that all 'professional' pokemon trainers - meaning anyone for whom battling could be considered their occupation, not those teaching pokemon other tasks - are a bit touched in the head. By the final stages of her circuit she was already feeling discomfort and the desire to leave before she caught the crazy too, but thought she should make several days of climbing a mountain worth it and finish the job. Her very brief first encounter with Jagdish could be summarized as “nope, that's it, I'm done”.
Born in Ehqaj City, Adelaide shifted from a teenage job waitressing tables to working on the cruise liner S.S Anne. After constantly being asked about the Sehto circuit and regaled with tales of their own journeys by trainers from other countries, she eventually decided to try it during a furlough. Having taken the lesson of the Kzye Gym to heart and already harbouring deep doubts about whether this was a good idea, when confronted with Jagdish's deal she thanked him for his time and immediately walked out.
- Farsight (Natu)
- Edward (Crobat)
- Ashi (Electrabuzz)
- Taio (Stantler)
(See also)