Roaring Hollow is a labyrinthine, foam-like structure of rocks between Ehqaj City and Vale. Icechel lives here.
Descriptions from Sessions
Collected from Arsaga:
The initial pain had dulled to a numb throb by now, that seemed to pulse within him like the slight rhythmic noise of Roaring Hollow's seaside waves - Raiko Zelenka had slipped, startled by a stray Zubat from a side cavern, and was now wedged by the hip between two waterworn rocks, suspecting a fracture at the hip. The thin chasm didn't offer itself to climbing, rock smoothed by the waves and weather, well beyond gripping. He was hoping the tide would help him escape his trap rather than drown him, but more than anything else, he wished he had a pokémon to send for help - or anything that was less of a gamble.
He'd tried raising his aching arms to chip at the rock with his pick-axe, but the combination of aching shoulders - having crashed against the rock behind him while he fell, especially his right one - and hardness of the rock had meant his attempts had yielded little results, except for a small chip in the smooth surface that was far removed from offering enough leverage for much of anything. The waves had soaked his sneakers by now, weighing him down a little more. It was a dreadful time of waiting - he let his gaze drift down to the random pattern of waves upon the clear waters, then back up to the cavern walls.
Roaring Hollow's pastel, water-smoothed rocks make for a serene landscape - the thin walls of rock forming the labyrinthine structures in parts are occasionally punctured as though honeycombed, letting light filter in through a complex pattern… at least at the depth she is at, where several layers, onion-like, seperate her from the crisp sea air.
To make a long story short, the decision was felled to head to Roaring Hollow once more - along with some scuba gear and Raiko's tested and established climbing gear. He explained that usually, he reached Roaring Hollow by climbing to it, a tedious, time-consuming task, but that by using Surf, they would get to it hours earlier, meaning it would only just be dusk by the time they reached the actual slope up to Taqnateh - or so his estimate.
It's new ground for him - Roaring Hollow isn't particularly well charted, and with the exception of the occasional lone trainer, no one seriously attempts to best its structures. At any rate, the world is basked in a pleasantly golden light from the late afternoon sun by the time they reach Roaring Hollow, its lightly coloured rocks making it appear almost white in the sheen of the sun, perhaps even iridescent, like a huge, impossibly complex sea shell.
The last remnants of the sun's light are bled into the sky at the horizon, scattering diffuse light across the rocky, alien landscape, illuminating it just enough to make for a more complex outline. There is a broad but winding path immediately nearby […]