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Since Sehto is something of a recurring continuity (in part owing to its source material, which follows a similar pattern, being a game and all that), rather than follow a straight arrow of time continually, there is such a thing as 'a typical Sehto run', i.e. a customary way to play Sehto.

Each time Sehto is played, the story resets; like a game. Each time Sehto is played, certain events inevitably transpire; again, like a game.

That being said, latter part doesn't so much owe to a rigid story structure as it owes to that people play in Sehto for a specific reason: The Sehto gym circuit. As such, it wouldn't really be Sehto if characters in it didn't do the Sehto gym circuit (or rather, it would be atypical of Sehto not to have this; it's wholly conceivable, after all).

The following things tend to happen during a typical Sehto run:

  1. The main protagonist (the one the plotline is named after) begins the gym circuit. D'oh.
  2. They usually take along a few friends that either also do the circuit or just keep them company - obviously to make for delicious horror later. If it's just you suffering, it's so much easier to deal with than if your friends are, after all. That's part of any Villain 101.
  3. The gym circuit is traversed in some order. Ideally, all gym leaders are showcased this way, because they're all pretty cool.
  4. Meanwhile, Dakarai N'Sehla stalks the protagonist(s). This will probably end badly for him in the one or other way; he has been tortured on Sehto runs before in a desperate attempt to get information out of him, so it's not unheard of.
  5. Eventually, the group reach Taqnateh; if it turns out the characters are spooked by the prospect at that point, the plot can of course be laid out to force their hand anyway - for example, in Arsaga, one of the protagonists ended up breaking away from the gym circuit, but looking into Taqnateh disappearances and getting captured for that, prompting her friends to head up in search for her.

And then gratuitous suffering happens and everyone playing is happy. The characters not so much; but that's okay, no one asked them.


Other fun stuff to do in Sehto is:

  • adding to the bottomless pit that is canonical backstory. There's a massive two-hundred year lifetime in Jagdish Tsukinaka to play with, for example, and seven gym leaders that have all done the gym circuit in their life time and come out alive on the other end. Also Dakarai. Everyone loves Dakarai.
  • exploring the Taqnateh issue from a non-gym-circuit perspective; a detective story! …also bound to end in tears, but different ones, which is what makes all the difference.
  • exploring Sehto's society. There are some interesting dynamics there, such as Togi's cultural infamy, or the role of gym leaders in regular society (something like a cross between charity worker, mayor and king).

Or anything else you can think of, really.

anatomy-of-a-typical-sehto-run.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/18 21:34 by