Njoty is a busy town submerged in an urban feel. At the crossroads between the tourist magnet that is Kethi, the mysterious Vereheq Ruins, Mount Black and Togi, Njoty sees itself as a pivotal point of trade, and has grown accordingly. It's one of the largest cities in all of Sehto, counting about nine thousand inhabitants scattered about its cluster of stout skyscrapers.
See also: Pterygotamorphic Pokémon Science Center
Descriptions From Sessions
Collected from Arsaga:
Compared to Kethi City, Njoty is definitely something else. Only about three streets into the heart of Njoty, it's quite clear our 'heroes' are lost, and have utterly no idea where to go.
As the sun is starting to set by now, the city is in the firm grip of dusk, which seems to seep through the streets viscuously, pulling along people in its wake. Sure, there are plenty of people one could ask for directions, but they all look fairly focussed on getting home from a day of work.
[The PokéCenter] looks several times larger and more modern than the archaic PokéCenter in Kethi City, with motion sensor sliding doors for a start, and much glass in its design.
Directions from the PokéCenter to the Tourist Information Center:
“A'ight, well, just go north from here, skipping two junctions, before you reach the fountain - that's the start of a pedestrian zone. Head right there, then left at the next junction, and follow the road further north for about two hundred metres. Keep a watch out for the roads to the left - but it should be the fifth road branching off, if I have my maths right. Go in there and you should see it instantly.” She taps her finger on the destination. “You needn't go inside for a pamphlet, they keep a handful of them outside.”
Collected from N'Sehla:
The buildings making up Njoty's cityscape lie mostly as a dull grey toward the west, light glinting off snippets of glass in a mostly unexciting fashion. It's an urban place, almost purely functional in its feel - not something one might miss when leaving.
Collected from the public run:
Njoty at noon is a bustling city: streets full of life, people shifting to and fro, bicycles the most common mode of transportation. The light of the sun is thinly filtered by soft veils of clouds, but the heat of summer has an oppressive touch to it, causing the pavements of the urban town to shimmer at the edges. In the shade of a concrete building lacking inspiration, in the northern outskirts of the city, a mid-thirties man dressed in featureless black slacks, skin tanned from several previous summers, sits in half-sprawl on the ground, a Hoothoot by his left side, under the carress of his left hand's fingertips while he absent-mindedly has his gaze cast across the street, watching a lady with an Eryzard head into the direction of Mount Black.