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Elena Lione is an inhabitant of Njoty who makes a living harvesting and selling wild berries. She is 20 years old. Her parents are Danan and Amata Lione.
Elena is open, optimistic and occasionally naively idealistic about the world, which combine to make her seem younger than she is. She tends to express affection or appreciation by offering small gifts and trinkets. Despite being casually social and getting along well with people Elena often finds the less complicated attentions of pokémon soothing and considers her friendship with them on an equal level to her human friends, with a similar distaste to seeing them in pain. This leaves her hesitant to battle and preferring less damaging moves or a swift and decisive end.
Elena is shorter than average with dark hair normally worn in a simple braid. Combined with her personality this leads most people to assume she is firmly in her teens. Jeans or sturdy pants with lots of pockets, a t-shirt that won't cause distress if stained or ripped and a pair of good boots are her usual attire, normally in neutral colours or muted greens. When not expecting trouble or excessive tree climbing (generally restricted to Njoty) Elena has a red coat she is very fond of.
Elena's parents were originally trainers from Kanto that relocated to Njoty shortly before she was born. Both have fond recollections of doing the Kanto gym circuit (where they met) and frequently encourage her to attempt the Sehto circuit herself. She feels this is little more than them projecting onto her, since they've never seemed comfortable with the idea of raising a being that cannot be returned to a pokéball while they do other things.
Having been left under the supervision of her mother's Arcanine so frequently while growing up Elena views Roman almost as parentally as her actual parents and sometimes jokes that the pokémon sees her has his cub, not his occasional trainer.
Every few weeks Elena goes on short expeditions to collect berries and other medicinal plants either to sell as is or cooked into pokémon treats. This has given her an excellent knowledge of the areas around Njoty but strictly restricted to Togi in the south and just short of Vereheq Ruins to the east.