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There was something fundamentally eerie about stepping in through the doorway she'd seen Jagdish disappear into, like the maw of a trap. Yarver's casual lead was a balming but stark contrast. And so it wasn't much later that she was ushered into a dining room. It sported a table that seemed large enough for at least ten occupants. The kitchen was apparently right next to it, with a door between the rooms that in theory could be slid closed, but looked like it hadn't been in a longer while.

Some potted plants sat in the corners. “What kind of tea would you like? Black, green, herbal, fruit?” Yarver asked her.

There was no sign of Jagdish right now, although a mild scent of frying oil suggested he had made true of his earlier threat of Being In The Kitchen for at least some of the time and might yet return to clean up. They were a bit on the early side of his timebox, so maybe it wasn't too surprising that he'd bowed out.


plot/mawne/2024-01-27.1706373061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/27 16:31 by pinkgothic