**Roman** is a male [[http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Arcanine_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_II_learnset#By_leveling_up|Arcanine]] on [[character:Elena Lione]]'s pokémon team. Despite being almost constantly found in her company he is technically owned by her mother Amata. ===== Personality ===== Roman is prone to making snap decisions and boldly leaping into situations without careful planning and prefers to make things up as he goes along. He trusts his instincts to guide him and can be very stubborn about changing his mind when he is sure he is right. Roman is also fiercely loyal to those he considers his family, currently consisting of Elena, her parents, and some of their respective pokémon teams. According to Roman Elena is his cub and he has done his best to raise her as a respectable young Growlithe. This occasionally caused problems when she was younger (nipping a child is rarely considered appropriate even if the human tugs a pokémon's tail) but has resulted in a deep mutual respect; particularly when it comes to pokémon and battling Elena's orders are treated more as requests and occasionally ignored, but he defers to her judgement about human interactions. ==== Loyalties and Animosities in brief ==== Ordered roughly from positive to negative, Roman… * ...loves Elena like his own cub. * ...is strongly loyal to Amata and Danan. * ...is protective towards most of the Lione family's pokémon. * ...is friendly towards most humans and pokémon. * ...is deeply suspicious of [[pokémon:Ahriman]]. ===== History ===== Roman was born as a wild pokémon near Lavender Town in Kanto. As a young Growlithe he was captured by Amata Lione (then Patel) and extensively trained in battling. As an Arcanine he fought for her as she completed the Kanto gym circuit before emigrating to Sehto. Assigned occasional babysitting duties since Elena was an infant Roman's protective nature led him to 'adopt' her. Due to his upbringing in Kanto and at the time limited exposure to Sehtoans he struggled to comprehend non-trainer humans, and as Elena was not a trainer defaulted to treating her as a young pokémon, although she seems to have evolved into a human in recent years. ===== Known Moves ===== 'Level-up' moves: * //Bite// * **Flame Wheel** * **Ember** * //ExtremeSpeed// * //**Flamethrower**// * //Take Down// * //Roar// From TMs / HMs: * //Rock Smash// * //Return// * //**Fire Blast**// (//italics//: inferred (as opposed to canonically RPed); **bold**: same-type attack bonus) {{tag>[comprehensive]}}